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20 Pokemon Type Effectiveness Chart Changes

Simple Pokemon Type Effectiveness Chart Thesilphroad

A complete revamp of type effectiveness modifiers.

Pokemon type effectiveness chart changes. When a pokemon with two types is hit with a move that both its types are weak against the move deals four times the amount of damage. Some pokemon can have two types rather than one. The following chart is based on type chart of generation vi and information given on pokémon brown. It looks complex but it s fairly straightforward to use the type of the attack move is along the top row.

Type chart effectiveness and weakness explained in pokémon go. The majority of the type chart has remained the same over the years but there have been a few changes. Moves that are ineffective in the core series deal 0 6 damage instead moves that would be not very effective against one or both of the target s types deal 0 8 or 0 7 damage respectively and moves. For example a fire and flying type pokemon that is struck by a rock type move suffers four times the damage.

Pokémon go s types are exactly the same as those in the main pokémon games but the effect of those type matchups is slightly. Pokémon brown and pokémon prism introduced five new types wind sound gas wood and abnormal changing the dynamics of battle. Pokemon types are the core of battles in pokemon go just as in the rest of the series and to succeed you ll need to understand pokemon type strengths weaknesses and effectiveness. For instance a bug type pokémon s bug attacks are super effective against grass dark and.

However one small change was also silently added in the new game master file aimed to completely shake up the meta game in pvp and raids alike. The type chart is a visual representation of type effectiveness in the core series pokémon games. In generation 2 dark and steel types were added while in generation 6 pokémon x and pokémon y the fairy type was added below are the differences compared to the current type chart. Follow that down to the corresponding row to see how effective it is.

The chart below will let you know which attacks to use and which to avoid based on pokémon type. Here s what changed in pokemon go s type effectiveness.