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20 Pokemon Generation 1 Type Chart

Chart Jpg 599 427 Pokemon Type Chart Pokemon Super Pokemon Chart

There is a glitch in the generation 1 games where dual typed pokemon recieving damage may display the wrong effectiveness message but they will still take the proper amount of damage.

Pokemon generation 1 type chart. Flareon is a fire type pokemon. The following list details the 151 pokémon of generation i in order of their national pokédex number. Copyright 2020 kabob799. By referencing the type chart if both types are weak the pokemon will take 4x damage.

In the sixth generation the fairy type was added and two steel resistances were removed. Dual type damage misinformation glitch main article. The type chart is a visual representation of type effectiveness in the core series pokémon games. Below are the two previous type charts as used in generation 1 red blue yellow and generations 2 5 gold silver through black 2 white 2.

If one type is resistant and one type is weak the. Pokemon type chart gen 1 note. The current new type chart is on the main type chart page. If both types are resistant it will take 1 4 the damage.

In generation 2 dark and steel types were added while in generation 6 pokémon x and pokémon y the fairy type was added below are the differences compared to the current type chart. In inverse battles a different type chart is used that essentially inverts the normal type chart turning immunities and resistances into weaknesses and weaknesses into resistances. It has undergone many mutations to grow fin and gills. Vaporeon is a water type pokemon.

It can generate electricity from its body. The sharp bristle furs on its body are charged electrical needles. Jolteon is an electric type pokemon. The majority of the type chart has remained the same over the years but there have been a few changes.

List of glitches in generation i dual type damage misinformation in generation i only if a damaging move is used on a pokémon with two types such that. The first generation generation i of the pokémon franchise features the original 151 fictional species of creatures introduced to the core video game series in the 1996 game boy games pokémon red and blue. The first pokémon bulbasaur is number 001 and the last mew is number 151. The type chart has changed between generations of games most notably due to the inclusion of new types.